Monthly Archives: November 2017

How We Fall

Look out,

we’re all jumping out of the 103rd floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center

September 11th, 2001

and we chose to jump instead of burn to death

and as we fall to our last breath

our only options are

do we scream

or do we enjoy the fall?


I’m screaming too.

All I Need to Learn about Male/Female Relationships I Learned from the Nature Channel

Running across the March ice

of Lake Erie

(even its name says

it’s eerie)


how that ice might look safe


it’s eerier

cause it could break

at any second


how thin is the difference between fear and terror

when you fall through winter’s ice in spring

even when you’re running your fastest

across this frozen spider’s web

like a male spider

attempting to reach the black widow spider

even after her ripping off his seven arms and legs

in his attempt at love

and sex

he strums his last remaining leg along

her finely weaved web

and the male spider’s thinking:

I’ll get her this time.

Abraham Agreed to Kill His Son in Several Tongues

There’s nothing more important

in this world to more people

than their religion

therefore it is our duty

both as citizens of this society

and all other societies

to know which so called God challenged Abraham to sacrifice

Isaac or Ishmael

and ultimately how much does this matter

when either way Ibrahim went with Allah

or Abraham went with God

we’re all brothers and sisters

and third cousins twice removed

thanks to this

and Facebook.

When Your Hospital Wants You To Call

It’s scary stuff when your hospital feels the need to mail you

a formal envelope

your first question is: am I dying?

Your next is: how do I feel right now? I have a sore throat; I must be dying

says the hypochondriac

and the idiot

and in my case both

and in your case

your writer

and your reader


now knows

the words within the formal envelope

spell out sentences asking me to make a checkup because it’s been

so long since I’ve had a doctor’s hand

up my ass

so now I know

I’m fine

but either way one day

but that’s OK

because I scheduled my death some time between now and infinity.